Monday, February 15, 2010

Summer Swimsuit Shape-Up-Update 2

The Swimsuit Shape-Up has been easier than I thought it would be. Of course I haven't added exercise yet, ha! But even so, eating better and healthier has been great for me and the whole family. One of the major perks of my diet has been my kids' new-found love of vegetables. I guess I never cooked vegetables enough for them to have had an opinion, but now that I have to eat 4 cups... CUPS! of vegetables each day, I am cooking them much more often. Here's my kids' favorite:

Roasted Cauliflower (I did not know you could roast cauliflower!)
1 Head cauliflower
Olive oil
Garlic Powder

Preheat oven to 400. Cut cauliflower into flowerettes. Combine EVOO, salt, pepper and garlic together then sprinkle over cauliflower and arrange on a baking sheet. Bake about 10 minutes.

My kids swear these taste like french-fries. I don't think they do at all, but they are indeed yummy!

So...February 15...It is time to re-commit to the Shape-Up! Low carbing was very hard this past weekend. A neighbor brought over fresh-baked bread (curse her!), my son made ricekrispy treats...all sorts of powers conspired against me and I caved. But only for one day and only temporarily. Tomorrow it is Back On Plan. So far I have lost 15 lbs since starting the Swimsuit Shape-Up which I think is pretty good, I wore a skirt on Sunday that I haven't worn in a while. That made me happy. VERY happy. it was a little snug. I still wore it! Go me!


Linda said...

ok, I am going to give that cauliflour a try! yum!
The blog looks great!!!


MInTheGap said...

Sandy, Are you getting my e-mails? You may want to check your spam bucket if you're not


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Sandy said...

No I haven't received any from you. Are you sending them to

Unknown said...

I'm following your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
